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About The Company

In the late 1990s, a group of senior professionals from companies such as Oracle, Sun Microsystems, i2Technologies, Symantec, etc got together and decided to create a new generation of healthcare informatics products to address the ever growing needs of hospitals. The objective was to create a truly paperless environment at healthcare facilities that would not only create vast improvements in administrative oversight, but would also tremendously help improve access to patient records and enhance the quality of care.
From 1998- 2001, Amrita HIS Was Developed, Productized And Validated At AIMS – A 1,400 Bed Hospital With Intense Collaboration Between The Development Team And The Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, X-Ray / MRI Professionals and Other Hospital Staff (Including Billing, Finance, Inventory, Logistics) In 2008, Amrita was awarded a US Patent for its core underlying modular architecture and associated security platform. In 2011, Amrita HIS was awarded The Coveted CCHIT, ARRA and Surescripts Certification and the ARRA Meaningful Use Attestation In January 2012. Amrita Is one Of only 4 HIS Products in the world that are CCHIT Certified for Inpatient EMR.